Crossing Pathways: STADA Health Newsletter - Autumn 2024 

An introduction from our CEO

I am immensely proud of Standing Together’s pioneering “Whole Health” approach, which recognises the need for and acts to affect a system-wide partnership change in the response to domestic abuse. Over the past 20 years, we have worked locally and nationally to coordinate a victim-survivor centred response by health partners, bringing together knowledge and practice to ensure effective and sustainable change. This vital knowledge and experience informed our earlier Pathfinder 2020 recommendations which are included in the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 Statutory Guidance. Building further upon these recommendations, we have been awarded a contract by the Home Office to understand and drive improvements in the health response to domestic abuse across England. As it enters its final year, I am pleased to celebrate this collaboration with our health partners and introduce this newsletter, which further aims to share best practice and embed a co-ordinated community approach to improve outcomes for victim-survivors, children and families. This project aligns with the work of the Domestic Abuse Commissioner (DAC) and NHS England’s Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence programme. Working together with survivors, we will ensure that interventions are fair and inclusive and that the response centers around their experiences and needs.

This Autumn newsletter covers the aims of Crossing Pathways, platforms for change, survivor voices, pilots for change, service spotlight and cancer and domestic abuse.


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