The Faith and VAWG Coalition

Why does it exist?

Many survivors with a faith feel that some specialist services and society, in general, are unable to understand their experiences of abuse, and their barriers to accessing support due to their religious identity, their faith community and any spiritual abuse that they may experience at the hands of their perpetrator. The Coalition seeks to build bridges between members of Faith Communities or Faith-centric organisations and domestic abuse specialists and organisations within the VAWG-sector. The Faith and VAWG Coalition was created following a conference organised by Standing Together in November 2018, which discussed the role of Faith communities in responding to domestic abuse.

For more information, aims , how to join our Coalition and further updates please check The Faith and VAWG Coalition’s  website:


For information on membership, please visit our website at or see below:


Contact the Faith and VAWG team at:

The Faith and VAWG Coalition focuses on strategic, regular, and structural approach to tackling issues of VAWG and acknowledges faith is important to many survivors. The Coalition collectivise voices of VAWG professionals and members of faith communities, the Coalition seeks to build bridges between members of Faith Communities or Faith-centric organisations and domestic abuse specialists and organisations within the VAWG-sector
